Possession @ Arzenál, 2022.03.26.
Possession, the Paris-based label/event series and an important space for LGBTQ+ community takes over Arzenal with an unspeakable lineup.
The second stage will be hosted by Budapest's own LGBTQ+ event series Kink.
Possession Stage:
Charlie Sparks
Varya Karpova
Charlie Sparks
Varya Karpova
Kink Stage:
You are free to dress the way you want. Ideas for theme-related outfits can be:
Latex, Leather, Lace
Erotic/Fetish Outerwear
There will be a comfortable space for you to change your clothes inside.
Latex, Leather, Lace
Erotic/Fetish Outerwear
There will be a comfortable space for you to change your clothes inside.
We have limited capacity. For that reason, we recommend guests to purchase tickets in advance.
Early Bird: 4000 Ft (SOLD OUT)
General admission 1: 5000 Ft (SOLD OUT)
General admission 2: 6000 Ft (SOLD OUT)
General admission 3: 7000 Ft (SOLD OUT)
General admission 4: 8000 Ft
General admission 5: 9000 Ft
General admission 2: 6000 Ft (SOLD OUT)
General admission 3: 7000 Ft (SOLD OUT)
General admission 4: 8000 Ft
General admission 5: 9000 Ft
Ticket link: https://oneticket.hu/possession-budapest-220326
Help us keep this event safe by respecting the guidelines, safety measures and protecting others around you. If you are feeling unwell, please, protect staff and other visitors by staying home. We will check vaccination proof at the door.
It is our duty to remind everyone that Possession is an LGBTQIA+ party, “straight friendly” if we may say, and that diversity and otherness are celebrated loudly there because they are a must.
Any behaviour or gesture breaking our set of morals (homophobic, transphobic, racist, misogynist, xenophobic, offensive) will automatically result in an exclusion of Possession parties coupled with potential legal proceedings put in the hands of the respective authorities
Any behaviour or gesture breaking our set of morals (homophobic, transphobic, racist, misogynist, xenophobic, offensive) will automatically result in an exclusion of Possession parties coupled with potential legal proceedings put in the hands of the respective authorities
Strictly no photography allowed.
Age limit 18+
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