CREDIGI002 - Yvel & Tristan - 'Nuyen'
CREDIGI002 – Yvel & Tristan - ‘Nuyen’
A house élet vérkeringésébe üstökösként berobbant Cre8tion Records második megjelenése Yvel & Tristan nevéhez fűződik. A „Nuyen” esetében felcserélődtek a kiadón belüli szerepek, hiszen míg az első kiadványt Chriss jegyezte és a páros készített átdolgozást rá, ez most éppen fordítva történt. A hipnotikus house darab remekül illeszkedik a label arculatához, Chriss remixe pedig egy mély, az eredeti verziót tökéletesen kiegészítő alkotás. A nemzetközi színtérről az olasz DOSlive duó az, aki saját képére formálta a darabot, és hozott létre egy pulzáló remixet. A megjelenést egy tech mix teszi teljessé, így mindenki könnyen választhat saját szájíze szerint a négy verzióból. A Cre8tion Records első megjelenésekor (Chriss Ronson – Technium) is rengeteg pozitív visszajelzés érkezett a szcéna ismert alakjaitól, ez most sincs másképp. Példaként említhetjük, hogy Nic Fanciulli „Worldwide Sounds” című rádióműsorának aktuális adásában kezdőzenének választotta a Nuyen-t. A további visszajelzések pedig alább olvashatóak listaszerűen. Emerson Todd: Dirty Bird Great package i think the org is the one for me here though .. nice stuff Nic Fanciulli: Downloaded Alejandro Vivanco (Cadenza / Supernature): super cool remixes! i will play Shinedoe (DJ) (Intacto / Various): Chriss Ronson rmx is an nice tool, thx Marcus Sur (Highgrade / trapez ): i like the original... Tini (Desolat): chriss ronson rmx is nice! Namito (Kling Klong / Great Stuff): like the chriss ronson remix, also the DOSlive is cool! Darius Syrossian (VIVa / Breakout Audio): all mixes and poriginal good, cant decide wich i like best Yakine (Cadenza/Eklo/Circus Company): Dope Ep ! support ! Raymundo Rodriguez (Jaded / Wrong): Can't get enough of the original mix, definite plays and support. Demi (S.O.S / Deeper Substance): good week for promos - this is in that list..original mix for me System of Survival (IANUS71, Circoloco): DOSlive remix is our favourite, we will play and support! Florian Kruse (NRK/Hynotone/Various): Already played NUYEN at Cocoon last weekend! Amazing tune! Kiko Navarro (Pacha / Loca FM): Tracks straight for da floor, simple to be effective. Best mix the original mix Nuyen. Terry Francis (Fabric): tech mix for me Claire Ripley (Dessous / Phobic): Thanks, I like the original and Chriss Ronson remix. Oleg Poliakov: i like the original one. thx Brothers' Vibe: All good mixes - will play ... Patrick Zigon (Puzzle Trax / Highgrade / Sounderground): nice stuff! René Breitbarth Deep Data / Treibstoff: i like the doslive rmx The Timewriter: Fantastic Package. Think I will play them all.My favourites are The original and Chriss Ronson's Mix.5/5 Kreon: Original for me...:) Ekkohaus (2020 vision, morris audio, cargo edition, liebe detail): Solid release, good production....thanx..ekko... Marco / Stefano (UGLH / Caramella): Really like the release!! All the tracks are good but our favourites are the original mix and Chriss Ronson remix. Thanks! UGLH Christian Sol (VIVa / Troll): Love this. Original and Ronson remix for me. Thanks Robert Owens: great track Gorge (Reclick - 8-Bit): nice release, thanks Dragosh (VIVa Music): Nuyen (Tech mix) is nice! thanks!:D Till Von Sein (Morris Audio / Trenton): solid Timos (Sonido): i will try chriss ronson remix...thx Nils Nürnberg (8-Bit / Dynamic / Bloop): Cool release. All mixes equally great. Will play! THX* Tim Hopgood Ethyl (Cecille/Tsuba): overall the EP is really my thing but that DOSlive remix is nice. good work Funk D Void ( Soma): very addictive. Love the original. Ashley Beedle (Xpress 2): The Nuyen original mix is the one. Big support. Maik Loewen (Niveous / Poker Flat / Karmarouge): Solid release. Thanks! Sebastian Roya (Conaisseur / Sender / Sounderground): Nuyen Orig for me! thanks! Enzo Siragusa (Fuse / Circo Loco): Tech mix is my fav on this one Jim Rivers (Simple / Misfit records): DOSlive remix is very cool...has some old school Peace Division vibes about it, which is always good! Scope: tech mix is pretty cool.. thanks Onno (Souvenir/Studio80): The Chriss Ronson remix is bombin along nicely :) cool little tool for the early dancefloors Davide & Claudio Dzeta & Basile (Tsuba/Electric Sheep): Strong project throughout, definitely for us! Our picks go to the original and Chris Ronson mix. Kiko Martinez (Radio / Spain): great album Daniel Mehlhart (Kindisch / Karmarouge): great second release. already loved the first !! thanks Neil Quigley (Urban Torque / Bedrock): Loving the Chriss Ronson remix, great stuff :) Shur-I-Kan: the original is very nice Tuomas Salmela (Phonogenic) (Cocoon, 20:20 Vision): original is pretty cool, but it's ronson's mix that i like the best. very nice groover. Jerome Pacman: Will play the friendly Ronson remix ;) Kabuto & Koji (Supernature / Kindisch): great ep!! thaks! Sonido: Nuyen Original Chriss Ronson Remix are real Killers! We play Chart it definitly! Chris Gruber : (8-Bit): What a nice deep and warm tune! I also like the Ronson RMX! will play!!! Jet Project: Liking the original on this one. TERENCE:. (Freak N Chic): good stuff Robbie Akbal (Supernature Recordings / Akbal Music): Chriss Ronson rmx is ace.. Super groove... also DOSlive does it great for me... Sweet!!! Ethyl & Huxley: really feeling the Nuyen and Chriss Ronson mixes. nice. Mazi Namvar : DOSlive remix all the way. Loose, filthy and warm. Will play this tonight guaranteed. Christian Maiden (Technique / Twaddle / Leftroom): Really liking the original and the Chris Ronson remix. Nice summery stuff Rob Salmon (Yoshitoshi / Various): Liked the orig mix of Nuyen, has a nice old school feel, will try out. Roual Faith: DOSliv is the pick for me Aaron Shim Yello (belfast) Good 4 tracker... something for the summer here for sure. DOSlive mix doing it for me. xx Neil Bainbridge (Shindig): original is fantastic, love the baseline when it drops half way.. im sure it will g8o down great on floor Charlie Tarr (various/ like the live mix...other is same old same old. Gwen Maze (Supernature): nice Ep!!good energy on all tracks Josh Tweek Louche (leeds, UK) ooooh yeah. good stuff. DOSlive remix my pick x Daniel Faulwasser (Dan Drastic / Moon Harbour): original is pretty cool. Leiam Sullivan: Love the DOSlive mix & Chriss Ronson Remix is good also cheers! Dave Congreve (Repeat Repeat): Solid tracky deepness. really like the original mix. Doc Martin: DOSilve rmx is very good indeed;0 Jepe (bloop, compost records) : Nice pack here. deep and groovy. Chriss Ronson remix its my favourite.thanks. Lewis Boardman (Chibuku / Circus): nuyen / tech mix is the one for me very nice ! rolling :) Daniel Schulze (Trenton): nice! original and chriss rmx are cool...! thnaks for this one, d. Rich Nxt DLate: Liking the DOSlive remix here. Nice dreamy but rhythmic vibes! Huw Lloyd:Good solid groove on this... all trax are nice! Will be playing original and Chriss Ronson mix! Thanks
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